Monday, December 30, 2013

What's there on the horizon... always difficult to guess. I am finishing a good year,
filled with many great memories as well as sadness,
sharing experiences with friends, wherever they are.
I am not interested in crystal ball messages,
so will take each day for what it will show to me
and I will use whatever tool I find,
to take new steps into the unknown,
always open for surprises.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Light in each house...

A different and good feeling walking the streets and alleys of the village
in December warmth, with flooding sun and a peaceful sea,
cheering friends and strangers and cats.
I feel people of the village are landing in another opportunity to relax and party,
like Greeks are so incredibly good at,
no matter how big or how small the means are, the joy together is always present.
Soon everyone here will light up for holidays, and I feel I am beginning to conclude
another year of great experiences, thanks to all great friends, anywhere and everywhere...

Saturday, December 21, 2013

We live in different worlds...

Grown ups are running around planning,
or sitting around waiting,
or telling the kids what they cannot do,
or what they should do,
instead of doing what they are just doing. 
Amazing it is to notice how similar it is wherever I have been in the world,
and all of us with the best of hope and intentions.
Meanwhile, the children are in their own world,
doing what they are doing in the moment it is happening,
except for some, who do not really know where home is,
am I a grown up or am I still a child...

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Layers of light...

I storm out of the car, 
when I am struck by all dimensions of blue and green and mirror like reflections on land and water.
December morning by Gulf of Kalloni, flamingos in water and in the air,
an incredible stillness and all fantasies I get when looking ahead, 
towards those ridges that all hold stories to be read...

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Losing track of time...

...when the school's Xmas bazaar takes place. 
I could almost make a copy of the images from last year. 
Children with feverish expectancies and ambitions, grown ups with pride and rememberings.
And all of those with Santa caps or angel like wings regressing in time. 
And glögg or glühwine and hot dogs and pizza and "geia sou, ti kaneis" and friends meeting friends.
Repeated joy year after year, makes me glad to be where I am...

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Winter visit...

Hundreds are the villages to visit in the Winter.
No stress, other focuses, away from maddening crowds.
Crystal crispy air, light so mild, warm and inviting,
coffee by a fireplace.
Time for contemplation.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Up the hill in black...

Winter darkness and damp nights are far away from a warm and glittering Summer time.
Streets and alleys scarcely illuminated and an incredible silence, 
when walking back from warmth and friendship of smokey taverna. 
It could be a bit spooky, but is contemplative
and my third and sensitive eye is finding enough light to be shed,
over scenes that are so different in the light of the day... 