Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Far away from sandy beaches...

 ...and shining bars, there is the everyday life
that makes the heart beat,
the dealing with discrepancies of the perfect we take for granted,
from a simple flat tire
to the resurrection of a bike
from reckless driving.
Leftéris runs this from morning to night,
while dreaming of the tracks of Enduro.....

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Moments of polarities... life are exciting.
Lesvos and Rome are extremes,
waking up different feelings inside...

Saturday, May 2, 2015

In living colours...

Have stayed for too long a time,
from island, friends and myself.
With Xatzigiannis and 1200 local Greeks
 in home town of mine,
I feel I am already home
Thank you, Mixalis Xatzigiannis ...

Fuji X-Pro1, ISO 500, 35mm, f/2,2, 1/125, no editing