Saturday, December 24, 2011

With peace of mind for me and everyone...

I am in a country and on an island, where we celebrate Xmas on different days. I think of that when an ordinary day for many is the day of celebration for me. What does it matter, really? Same God, same thoughts, different habits. I wanted to find a picture with the colors of joy and peace that could symbolize my hopes and wishes for myself and others and selected this. I will be good to myself, not just because of Xmas, but for many other reasons and hope that others will do the same to themselves..... 


  1. You chose well! I think this one can be called Peace and Happiness. Perfect for Christmas

  2. beautiful and peaceful photo.
    Peaceful on the streets of Molyvos and peaceful in your heart.

    Have a good Christmas
    Mariƫt and Emiel

  3. Thanks for your sweet thoughts and greetings!

  4. Thanks for sharing Beauty and Peace!
    I was wondering how is this period in
    Greece and there you are with your wonderful
    I wish you all the best and that all of
    us be good with ourselves! :)

  5. Bella Andreza, many thanks for your encouragement and now you know where to go for vacation!!! We will take good care of you!!!
