Friday, April 26, 2013

Good humans everywhere...

Starting to travel around again, in between working sessions. 
Never get enough of that. 
Always new places to see. 
Going with R. on motor bikes, 
meeting with the village poet in Ántissa
and resting by a taverna by the sea in Termís.
New imprints to take in.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

There is a risk not to see what I see...

To me, photography is not about showing reality. It is useless.
Reality can never be copied.
I more try to find out what familiar sights can wake up in me. I try to stay in it.
Faces of people, street corners, roofs and tiles, patterns made by humans...
Never to let even the most common habit become a hidden truth. 
Even if I look at scenes so familiar, always being there,
that finally I run the risk of not seeing what I am looking at.
The island and the sea is a constant. Always interrelated.
And so are the thousand varieties of light that carry colors.
Familiar scenes of the sea at the village of Eftalou, 
that I have seen a thousand times, never stop amazing me.
Right now it is a drama just between Spring and Summer time.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

I never get enough of the same...

My new Year's Eve is always when I stop using socks.
Now is the time and has been for a fortnight.
It is reliving past experiences,
just like everything from now on
and for a long time.
Spring is still here on the island. The grass is green. The evenings cool.
The horses will avoid becoming beef burgers. They will munch in peace.
And light will seep in everywhere.
Summer knocking on the door.
On Lesvos, the island of islands.
No more socks for a long time. 
Every day new, just like yesterday.
A bit of breathing before Summer arrives.

Light and piety.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Home to basic closeness...

Weather shifting every day now. 
It is all familiarity.
Walking down the alley outside, passing quiet soccer field,
opening the inside of self and house.
It is good to be back.