Tuesday, July 9, 2013

No one can buy a place in heaven...

The word "change" as a word itself, has nothing automatically positive written into it. On the contrary. Many times change stands for "destructive". Like when an individual does things to satisfy own needs without respecting anything else. I know, and many with me know, that power makers of any kind,  politicians for example, do it and often in the name of democracy. Of course, it is also a question of money. Money is power. When an individual can use it for the purpose of self manifestation, without asking anyone for the permission to do so.
"Reverential", a potent English word, that could be something like σεβασμόσ in Greek, is one of many words I can use that suits the experience I have had for years, and numerous friends with me from many places in the world, when visiting Agia Lemoní, just outside the village of Mólivos. Made by human hands for human souls to visit, for whatever reason you have to visit a chapel. Loving hands have painted ceiling and walls,hung  icons of their saviors, always newly raked sand for candles, roses in vases, oil and spare candles for visitors. The small and snow white chapel sneaking close to the side of the cliff, walls and seats and staircase all of stone made by those who once raised the chapel. It's simplicity made it a house of human art and creativity at it's best. 
It would stand there long after all my visits.
Here is where "change" becomes "destruction".  Somebody with money thought otherwise. I have not heard anyone protesting or at least ask questions. Nor has anyone asked people around what they think about it. The chapel does not need repairs! "Τι να κανουμε". 
I do not care what it will look like. I am sure it will be nice in itself, but it will have nothing to do with Agia Lemoní. 
For me, it is a plain and harsh abuse of respect and faith and only a sign of egocentricity. 
A real shame it is.


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